Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tips For A Future Colorguard Captain?

This year I got captain of my colorguard and, trust me, I%26#039;ve seen a fair share of really horrible captains! I don%26#039;t want to be like that so I was wondering if anyone had some tips for me. I%26#039;m just wondering what other people are thinking so it%26#039;d be a big help if you told me things you do and don%26#039;t like in a captain!

Thanks in advance!
Tips For A Future Colorguard Captain?
Be strict but still be nice. when I was low brass section leader, I would expect my section to know the basic%26#039;s and to preform them to the best of their abilities. If they did a good job then I might have them do it again and then they%26#039;d get a break.

I think what annoyed me about the flags at my school was they spent way too much time worry about costumes than the routine. Make little contests of who can know that first 16 counts of a routine and give little prizes. Explain to your guard that your hear to help them and if they need help you can and will help them to the best of your abilities. If the drum major gives your section grief that they don%26#039;t deserve, stick up for your section. Thats what i did last year for my section, and they respected me so much

The biggest adivce be fair to everyone, even to the person who gives you a hard time
Tips For A Future Colorguard Captain?
I%26#039;m not in colorguard (I play trumpet), but I think I can still help a little.

Make sure that everyone at least tries to get along. That%26#039;s one problem that our colorguard team had.

Help those who aren%26#039;t really getting it. If they%26#039;re having trouble with a certain part of the routine, take them aside and help them through it. It will make you look friendly and helpful.

Be strict, but not mean.
Reply:Don%26#039;t contradict yourself. If you tell your team to set and then you start talking or something, that%26#039;s such a bad example and your team will become upset with you. Look at the other captains you%26#039;ve had. Don%26#039;t repeat their mistakes. Don%26#039;t be all bossy. Be nice, but confident and sure of yourself when you tell your team to do something. I%26#039;m sure you%26#039;ll be fine, especially if you have realized the mistakes of past captains! Good luck and HAVE FUN! That%26#039;s a great accomplishment. Congratulations!

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